dimanche 16 avril 2017

Aberrations - Religion - Religious inhumane dictatorships = Powers Silvers Nazistes Bloodthirsty = Our Politicians Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard And Companies

Aberrations - Religion - Religious inhumane dictatorships = Powers Silvers Nazistes Bloodthirsty = Our Politicians Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard And Companies
India - Hindu Religion - Political Party - Why are beef vendors target the recurring violence in India?

The Hindu religion, mental disorders
It is not the first case of its kind, and it will probably not be the last. Tuesday, July 26, two women were attacked in the northern city of Mandsaur by a mob which accused them of selling beef. Slaughter cows, a sacred animal in Hinduism, is illegal in the Madhya Pradesh region (center), as in many other states of the country.
Sacred Cows
Like the men who attacked the two women were arrested by the police. They were first held on the grounds of anti-slaughter of cows state law. But it turned out that the meat sold by the two women was buffalo meat. They are then passed within the scope of a law prohibiting unlicensed buffalo meat transport, which provides, in Madhya Pradesh, a buffalo can be shot down only if he is over 15 years, and that a veterinary opinion should be issued to obtain logging permits.

The arrested women are Muslim, and beef as the buffalo are mainly consumed in the Muslim and Christian communities in India, but not by the Hindu majority country.

This argument follows others. Also in July, four men, Dalits (the caste of untouchables, the lowest in the caste hierarchy) had been abused by a self-defense group as they tried to remove the skin of a dead cow at Guajrat (west). Police said later that the cow had not been killed by four men but by a lion, which is false.
Last year in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the north, a Muslim had been beaten to death, after accusations that he was storing and ate beef at home. The police investigation had shown that, in reality, he kept the sheep meat.

For our Observers, such violence is related to the importance of trade for cow meat. Although the animal is considered sacred by Hindus, and slaughter is banned in several states, India is not the least the first beef exporter in the world in the world according to Radio-Canada News.
Renewed tension is felt in India as Hindu nationalists, legitimized by the powers that be are trying to ban Muslims and Christians from eating beef or other animals. Some are already talking about a "war of cows."
A report by Thomas Gerbet, corresponding to India to French CBC
"No! No photo! No photo! "The virulent reaction of the butcher surprises me. This is the first time in two months that an Indian is opposed to what I photograph. But looking more closely what is being cut, I understand: it's beef.
Indian butchers, often Muslims are on the teeth right now. Many are harassed by Hindu activists. Fear is gaining the country, even in states where the slaughter and trade of cattle are allowed.

In India, religious bans men from touching the melons
In India, Hindustan Times readers the request whether to forbid men to touch the fear of melons that men with women's breasts and begins to masturbate or commit rape
in Saudi Arabia, countries ban Philippe Couillard to have pork
Eleven things never to do in Saudi Arabia, Salafist countries washabite, Quran, barbarians who invade us in the West at the risk of his
life,Allah is merciful and gracious, like peace unless he has psychological disorders
Saudi Arabia is a country with a single constitution is based on the Koran - the religious text of Islam.
In general, if the act is suspected to be "haram" - something that could divert a person of the Islamic faith - then the only hint is enough to make a decision.
Forbidden: Theporn
Porn having on your phone, tablet or computer could put you in a very uncomfortable situation if you land in Saudi Arabia. Even the illustrations of people scantily clad, particularly women, are prohibited.

Customs officers can and will scan your phone for the pictures they deem inappropriate and then confiscate your equipment.
Prohibited: Taking pictures of buildings
You are on holiday, so you take pictures all the time, right? FALSE. Photographing government buildings, military installations and palaces is not allowed.
We must also avoid photographing local people - particularly Arab men without their permission - and do not point a camera in the direction of women.
Forbidden: eat, drink or smoke in public
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, it's four weeks of fasting in all. Therefore, it is forbidden to eat, drink or smoke in public during daylight hours during Ramadan.
Prohibited: sausage sandwiches
Speaking of eating and drinking, do not expect to drag a full breakfast every morning Quebecers with a little bacon and sausages. The import of pork containing products is prohibited, making the pig as a prohibited substance.
Banned: Wear anything red on the day of Valentine's Day and celebrate Christmas and Easter
It was reported that florists and gift shops are prohibited from selling red roses, or even anything red for Valentine's Day. The rule has been decided by the "Committee for the command of Virtue and Suppression of Vice" (CPVPV). The committee has decided that this is not an Islamic occasion and can mislead people.

Forbidden: Going to the movies
If you want to see the latest James Bond film in Saudi Arabia you will actually leave the country. Cinemas are bad things for men and women who mingle unattended This could lead to immoral actions outside the marriage field.
Forbidden: Learning a musical instrument at school
The piano is still good on the CV of a person but if you want to learn as a child, it must be done by private lessons. Music courses are prohibited in public forums and so if you want to learn, it should be done so "underground".
Forbidden: Going to the gym if you are female
If you are worried about your line it is best that you owned a house with stairs up and down. The private gyms for women were allowed until recently but the religious police closed them.
Forbidden: Practicing a religion other than Islam, here is a country open to other religions and Mr. Philippe Couillard Justin Trudeau, should we ban mosques in Canada vice versa?
To believe in a different religion of Islam is frowned upon by Saudi officials. In fact, it is against the law for non-Muslims to worship in public - and you will not find a church in the country. If someone converts to Islam or abandon religion he risks the death penalty.

Forbidden: Driving, if you are a woman, can caused the loss of their ovaries on the ground full
Fancy a drive as a woman? One thing is certain - as it is in the desert or inside private compounds, you are all good. But if you need to go elsewhere, however, you will need a driver because women are banned from driving.
Forbidden: Have a drink on the plane flying to Saudi Arabia
Better not arrive in Saudi Arabia under the influence of alcohol - and certainly do not drink during the flight. Penalties for possession or alcohol trade are severe and result in prison sentences.
Forbidden: For women touching bananas and cucumbers
Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah, the grand mufti of Saudi Arabia, the Muslim cleric bans women from touching cucumbers and bananas
There are precedents in this idea of sinful food sources . Al Qaeda has demanded that sellers separate tomatoes and cucumbers on their stalls under the pretext that these vegetables are of different sexes, and decreed that only men could buy cucumbers.
Adding, December 8, 2011: Fatwa on phallic fruit and vegetables in these countries to prehistoric religions.

In Egypt, women are forbidden to eat bananas
Cairo: A Muslim cleric residing in Europe ruled that women should stay away from bananas and cucumbers, to prevent "sexual thoughts.
"The Sheikh, presented in an article published in El Senousa News, was quoted as saying that if women wish to eat these foods, another person, preferably a family man as their father or husband, should cut these food into small pieces and serve them. He said that since these fruits and vegetables "resemble the penis", they could arouse women or "inspire their sexual thoughts." He added carrots and zucchini to the list of forbidden foods for women.
Islam obsessed and unable to control their sexual animal instinct, Sonata 3.2
A person asked the sheikh how to "control" the women of the family who buy food at the grocery store and if the fact that they take these foods in their hands was bad for them. Sheikh replied that it was between them and Allah. Responding to another question about what to do if the women of the family enjoy these fruits and vegetables, Sheikh advised to cut these foods in a hidden place so they do not see.
In Egypt, girls should be virgins to go to university by religious deputy Elhamy Agina because he wants to test them before their return.
Every girl who enters the university must be examined to prove that she is a virgin, "said MP Elhamy Agina daily Youm 7 Thursday, September 29, 2016." It will present the results of his medical examination to prove it is a 'Miss'', he added the word "miss" is commonly used in Egypt to refer to virgin. This measure would thus intended to allow girls only "pure" of access to education, while women "easy virtue" would be rejected in the limbo of society, "loose women" they are.

According to the MP, the males have no need of being blank to go to college, they may have raped or killed it is of no importance because the man is superior to woman according to the Qur'an and the Sharia, so the problem does not arise.
As reminds Point, control women's virginity is a thinly veiled way to limit their freedoms while providing additional control over their lives.
For the religious and ultra-conservatives, it is a tool of choice to fight women and keep them under their protectorates like slaves by these bloodthirsty barbarians.
Egypt had already been called to order by the NGO Human Rights Watch because she regularly practiced virginity tests on women arrested or checked before being raped by police.
MP Elhamy Agina, besides being sexist and misogynist, so also sin through lack of originality; but the Internet, which delights in the role of court of humanity more uncertain, takes revenge by turning to ridicule. Maybe he is powerless and he retaliates?
"Elhamy Agina passed Donald Trump for a choir boy"
And Canada Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard

Both from the temple continue plots, their accommodation unreasonable pro-Muslim racist motions, part of the laws to suit all terrorists spend US borders without any documentation to invade Canada. These Salafi shipped directly from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Syria, Islamic states to strengthen the Muslim Brotherhood established in our National Assemblies and Parliament Hill in Ottawa.
Canada became the ascent of a religious country selfie Islamophile, Quranic, Charianique, Québécophobe, Christianophobia, anti-Semitic, without identity, a multicultural country, a country without culture as its premier, fully contained any shell and container. That is to say, the full vacuum that sold us all barbarians.
Poor Canada, wake up!

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