lundi 10 avril 2017

War in Syria - Donald Trump - Vladimir Poutine - Bachar al-Assad - Réfugiés - The Truth - Lies- The Politicians

War in Syria - Donald Trump - Vladimir Putin - Bachar al-Assad - Réfugiés - The Truth - Lies- The Politicians
Truths before the hidden American strikes to the public in April 2017
I have to clarify before the US strikes in Syria President Donald Trump telephoned Vladimir Putin to tell him he was going to bomb the arsenal where the sarin at the airport was. Shortly after the US president called on Assad saying he would bomb the airport where the sarin was.  
No wroks for the refugees
Donald Trump not wanting to shock Russia, asked him how long he needed to withdraw from this place, to remove the maximum not required equipment for sarin and leave, like in the movies in Hollywood , wars dramas, by adding all the objects required to prove the attack.
Fatima Houda-Pepin, HISTORY conflict in Syria
Thus the attack with chemical weapons in Khan Sheikhoun April 4, 2017, assigned to the army of Bashar al-Assad, gave Donald Trump the opportunity to perform dramatic turnaround and order strikes with Tomahawk missiles on one of the air bases of the Syrian regime.
But this conflict can not be solved by a simple parade of tactics, albeit airline. This war is first and foremost a war of interests of several national and international actors.

A strategic position
before being carved up by the French and British colonial powers, Greater Syria was at the heart of one of the most brilliant civilizations. Crossed by the Silk Road, it has long been a crossroads of trade, knowledge, and of knowledge, and a meeting point of Mediterranean cultures, Arabic, Persian and Indian. Its geographical position is highly strategic.
No wonder it is the object of so much greed of neighboring countries. In 2009, Qatar Wanted to export its gas to Europe via Saudi Arabia and Jordan, and proposed the construction of a gas pipeline through Syria.
Assad was opposed not to harm the interests of its two main allies, Russia,which already controls the gas complex in Syria and explores other deposits, and Iran,which desperately seeks a passageway to the Mediterranean to transport its gas to European markets.
He will choose in 2011 for the gas pipeline from Iran to Syria via Iraq. Reason enough to Saudi Arabia and Qatar declared him the war by providing weapons and money to jihadist groups in Syria.
Our countries sold arms
Purveyors of weapons
Taking advantage of the popular uprising in Syria, in 2011, Qatar met in a conference in Doha in November 2012, various rebel groups,who are committed to him allow to have a passage for his pipeline to Europe viaSyria.In return, we learned by the Financial Times In May 2013 that Qatar had spent $ 3 billion in two years to arm the Syrian jihadist groups.
Thus, by militarizing the rebels and jihadis in Syria, Qatar and Saudi Arabia have contributed to the rise of the Islamic State,which integrated them within the caliphate and barrel and raised its terror very heart of the Western countries with agreements OUR POLITICIANS oF OUR WESTERN cOUNTRIES:
From tactics to strategy and gifts to our politicians of our dear Emirs are WORKS DAILY
Night strikes ordered by Trump and which Russia has been advised of hours in advance, more a matter of a short punitive tactics view that a genuine strategy carrier of hope for the Syrian people. Namely a small wand on the fingers to close the eyes of some prudes.
Under Barack Obama the use of sarin gas was but closed his eyes as always

Syrians are dying by the dozens every day. There are five million have taken the path of exile. The army of Bashar al-Assad, as well as the Islamic State jihadist groups have sarin gas use repeatedly, before Barack Obama whistles the end of recess, in August 2012, involving chemical weapons a "red line that must not be crossed."
But if the life of Syrians really holds us heart, it is not only the use of chemical weapons to be condemned, but the use of all weapons. It is especially condemn those who make a lucrative business, selling weapons, planes,missiles,including the United States, Europe and Canada Stephen Harper and Justin Trudeau.
More refugees is certainly no solution
More refugees is not a solution, it is playing the games terrorists of the Islamic State of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, to continue the crusade Islamic within Western democracies. After a period in the West, they 'ghetto with their own communities that can communicate with people who welcome them and their religions that reject all possible assimilation with other religions, moral values, etc.
They are still demanding accommodations to employers, and they have fears engaged with their requests for exemptions on work, prayers, days worked,religious days and normal public holidays in the host country, the employer these fears newcomers

The Salafi Islam destroys the mind and the brain of man and woman
Saudi-Arabia is the basis of all problems in the region, it is their petrodollars that created the terrorist militia Daesh and all terrorists who pollute the Muslim world. It is their petrodollars that caused the shedding of blood of Muslims oppressed, "he vilified.

Addressing the Saudi rulers, he continues, "you are not part of the problem, you are the problem itself. Of course, we know the reason for your anger, you have spent billions of dollars to overthrow the Syrian regime, but you failed. And Iraq you have also spent money, and are not able to achieve your goals. "
Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United States and Britain are the culprits for the creation and support to terrorists and Islamic state in the Muslim world and throughout the world.
We must return the refugees to their home country with their religious and religion because they can not integrate
But in September 2016, the OECD back his jacket (like the European Commission): it will take 20 years for all refugees to integrate the labor market! 20 years during which "non-integrated" will be borne by taxpayers, not to mention all those who will join Europe during these 20 years. 20 years is a generation.
This means that the "newcomers will never work! Do not dream: after 20 years of benefits, hope to see a Syrian or an Afghan work breaks in a factory is utopian. A generation living in the hooks of the taxpayer is being created byAngela Merkel, Juncker Charles Michel François Hollande andothers.It is priceless for our country in debt.

No future refugees
Besides the young men and women, who have no jobs, idle and commit crimes, viols, of stealing, petty theft, radicalized, becoming jihadists, terrorists and train new criminals, imams new that will destroy Europe and the Americas.
There was no reason to receive them, if there were no jobs for them or no sufficient allowance to give their services to the end of their days and make them work for you Services. Human beings, normal, happy must work, demonstrate the ability to do things, even the animals realize things. Humans have value creating, so they want jobs, work and even become themselves employers.
I know several Arab Christians and Muslims who are excellent employers, extraordinary people. They are happy, their families too, but we have to accommodate only a small group but not millions at once because it messes up the economy, which can take the look of all these people together.

Our politicians have visions to short term
See if the country wants to have a million more inhabitants, it must have men and women who have children and those children for twenty years to become adults and the country will be twenty years to create the jobs, services and parents during this period will have created all sorts of associations, built places etc. and the economy is growing but during a given period. The children had twenty years of growth but refugees are adults.
These adults are not children, they think of themselves, they want money, sex, housing, clothing, be recognized. But no, you politicians, you would have thought that at the time, I would have more votes in the next election, that's all. But they are human, no future, not knowing the language, customs, religion of the square of the country, labor standards, so they are automatically excluded from the system.
They are no more choices to survive attack you. Politicians have only a vision of a day, and the population must have an eternal vision, so there is a serious communication problem. And moreover if religions and religious get involved is the global catastrophe, the Apocalypse again with our dear politicians, these populists will use again to glorify their policies and political party. Religions and policies are both the same things, power and money.

Islam is incompatible with our democracies
Is not enough to open the doors to Syrian refugees and flaunt them in rituals of selfies indecent. We must give them the chance to return home and ensure lasting peace to rebuild their country and return to their families and their dignity.
It is imperative that the international community, under the auspices of the UN, proposes a comprehensive strategy to address this devastating conflict that can not be left to the only free will of a president, was it that of the United States.The UN must stop being a "palaver tree" and take the leadership entrusted to it and get rid of corrupt countries like Saudi Arabia.
Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard are inconsistent with Canada and Quebec

Do as the United States, Donald Trump and France vote Le Pen

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