vendredi 28 avril 2017

Justin Trudeau - Iqra Kalid - Adil Charkaoui - Thomas Mulcair - Angela Merkel - Emmanuel Macron - Stéphane Dion - Philippe Couillard - Intellectuals - Journalists - Muslim Brotherhood Links with Politicians - Intellectuals - Journalists

Muslim Brotherhood - Politicians - Intellectuals -Journalists - Feminists
Two Islamist networks that finance terrorist groups have become the largest owners of buildings housing mosques and Muslim schools in Quebec.

Together, the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) hold properties sheltering seven places of worship and four private schools in Montreal, Sherbrooke and Trois-Rivières and spread propaganda fundamentalist propaganda in two mosques housed ISNA.
The School of Knowledge in Montreal, Adil Charkaoui, terrorist
Primary schools occupying the premises of these organizations received more than 5 million dollars in grants from the Ministry of Education of Quebec, the school years 2009-2010 and 2012 -2013. The Quebec government subsidizes  organizations terrorist within the education system.
The Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) has acquired his last two buildings there are only a few months, including its largest, in the center of Montreal, paid 4.7 million dollars.

Impaired friends CMA terrorists
According to court documents filed by the RCMP, the CMA has donated nearly $ 300,000 to the International Relief Fund for the Afflicted and Needy Canada (IRFAN). In a letter to IRFAN-Canada, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) states that the federal government registered last April 24 the organization to the list of "terrorist entities" under the Criminal Code. The letter states that "any property or assets belonging to IRFAN is now frozen."
In 2011, Revenue Canada revoked the charitable status of the organization and the federal stated terrorist organization last year. He accuses the IRFAN have sent $ 14.6 million to Hamas between 2005 and 2009.
Several MPs and ministers under the government of Justin Trudeau have links with Hamas as Iqra Khalid Liberal MP's motion M- 103 Islamophobia, Muslim demagogues racist antis Christians and anti Jewish, and the terrorist group Jamaat-e-Islami.The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, who participates in the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Premier of Ontario, Kathleen Wynne, Stéphane Dion, Canada's ambassador to Germany etc.

Hamas, other terrorist group according Ottawa seeks the liberation of Palestine from Israeli occupation and the establishment of an Islamic government.
Despite the ban, the RCMP said they last March saw a IRFAN fundraiser out of CMA offices in Cartierville and St. Laurent. He was holding a yellow envelope with unknown contents, as revealed by La Presse last December. The CMA calls the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood and its founder, the Egyptian Hassan al-Banna.
Mississauga, the city, the Islamic Mecca,Salafist Wahhabi terrorists of Canadian Muslim organizations
The messages we left at the registered office of the AMC, in Mississauga, Ontario, went unanswered. In addition, many of these organizations have branches with Al Qaeda with networks of women under the coordination of Zunera Ishaq, liberal bitch that shit on the Canadian flag during his Canadian citizenship oaths with the tacit approval of the first the Honorable Minister of Canada, selfie, Justin Trudeau and justice Minister of Canada, Judy Wilson Raybould.

The armed wing of the Pakistani organization, Hizbul Mujahideen, is recognized as a terrorist organization by the European Union. It seeks the establishment of an Islamic state in Kashmir. Do we need to protect us from our minister shirk the Government of Canada bringing their turbans instead of respecting Canada's secularism.
The links of all politicians and elites with all terrorist Islamist
How is it that all MPs, ministers, prime minister of all provinces, MPs in the opposition, the leaders of government agencies Canadians and Quebecers, public,and parastatals, school, university, media, state television.
In all areas where elites and intellectuals work and infect their venoms of their false claims Quranic Islamic populist Salafists, on all levels of society, have links with terrorists normal Muslims, moderate, semi-moderates, extremists, super extremists, with imams, etc.
Whenever you look at the documents on these figures, the Saudi barbarians, that we government still sleep with our elites, our media and their lies. accommodation, Unreasonable Motions M-103, there areexamples glaring of manipulations of the population in order to permanently install the Koran, sharia, mosque building up to invade the territory.

Justin Trudeau, Stéphane Dion, the traitor Quebecer Thomas Mulcair traitor NDP sleep and we sell to Islamic terrorist Salafists circulating in our streets full days with hate speech against Christians and Jews with approvals from provincial and federal and their evil motions islamophobia Iqra Khalid, the terrorist who supports the terrorist group Hamas.
The New Democratic Party (NDP) led by Thomas Mulcair and Liberal Party of Canada led by Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, sponsors a festival in Ontario, organized by the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC), a Canadian division of the Brotherhood international Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organizations internationally recognized and Canada.
In Montreal, the main mosque of the Muslim Brotherhood (al-Rawdah mosque, a MAC ownership) is led by an imam who openly displays his membership in the Brotherhood, founded in Egypt by Hassan al-Banna: The building that houses the al-Rawdah mosque of the Muslim Brotherhood also houses the offices of the MAC (the Laurentian Boulevard, south of Gouin Boulevard) and known by the police

Justin Trudeau, we must destroy all Canada now, Allah is my God!
The MAC is a Canadian division of the Brotherhood international Muslim Brotherhood, whose well-known slogan"Islam Is the solution to destroy Canada and the West," and the mission to promote the re-establishment of a caliphate governed by Sharia law - clearly demonstrate its incompatibility with the secular democratic project of Canadian society ... Yet these two political parties subsidize an activity subversive organization that exploits democracy and our charters of rights and freedoms to promote Sharia home.
You should also know that, together with the active Khomeinists cells in Canada, the Muslim Brotherhood are lobbying our politicians to increase Islamic immigration including Stéphane Dion, Liberal minister was the main supplier in Quebec of that organization.
Philippe Couillard is to the rescue with his project on the endemic racism of non-Muslim Quebecers. Considering that he received a brainwashing five years in this wonderful barbaric Islamic countries in Saudi Arabia and that even his own daughter met anyone who would listen that she was Muslim and was as veiled as prescribed by the mentally retarded in the region.

Book-shock Wafa Sultan, edited by RL: Islam factory unbalanced? ISBN 978-0-312-38363-3

Wafa Sultan "Careful, I say: fight Islam. No political Islam, not militant Islam, not radical Islam, but Islam tout court ".
Wafa Sultan is an American psychiatrist of Syrian origin and an ex-Muslim. His courageous stance on Islam earned him a fatwa of Sheikh Qaradawi, the most influential religious Sunni school which is regarded (wrongly) in the West as a "reformer" and a "moderate." Ms. Sultan and his family live in fear, that does not prevent this woman from a uncommon courage to speak out, whatever the bearded and their apologists!
Our politicians, our elites, our whores betray us for petrodollars and destroy the West, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, Barack Hussein Obama, Hilary Clinton, Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, Thomas Mulcair
What is this book? Wafa Sultan, using many examples, from history or daily life, shows how Muslims, by the packaging they have received since childhood and has been for 1400 years work by Pavlovian reflexes. Indeed, driven by the fear of being killed by non-Muslims, motivated by the fear of displeasing Allah.

Driven by the fear of not going to heaven "real" Muslims are prevented by their unconscious to experience the compassion for the woman beaten to the non-Muslim victim, they are prevented from questioning, create and thus prevented from making scientific discoveries ... We gradually discovered, written psychiatrist Wafa Sultan, a vision of the unusual Islam. Everyone knows the verses of violence, Muhammad's story beautiful style, but few, to date, had updated the springs of Islamic soul.

This book, major, should open the eyes of Muslims themselves, encourage them to question dogma which has done so much damage, but it should also allow everyone to better understand the specificities and constraints of the true Muslim like Muslim said moderate to compete on equal terms in the clash of civilizations that we live.

In all countries, your elites are so rotten by petrodollars

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