dimanche 2 avril 2017

The Bombardier Family - The welfare billionaires of the Quebec social state The miseries of the rich Bombardiers - The real Bougons, the industrial diarrhea that infect our government institutions

The Bombardier family - Welfare recipients billionaires state social Quebecers The miseries of the rich Bombers - Real Bougons, industrial diarrhea that infect our government institutions
Pierre Beaudoin, becomes president of Bombardier Board when he was ousted the CEO - incompetent - has seen his pay from $ 5 million to $ 7 million in 2016, even though the company lost more than $ 1.2 billion.
In comparison, Kathleen Taylor, Board Chair of the Royal Bank, which made a profit of $ 10 billion received compensation of about $ 500,000.

Thieves in white collar
Philippe Couillard, the Quebec premier, newly arrived from Saudi Arabia after five years of immersion Salafism.TSalafist says it looks shareholders and the company, he forgets that the $ 3 billion granted by Investissement Québec and the Caisse belong to each taxpayer of Quebec and not to Bombardier shareholders. Shortly after receiving the millars, the Bombardier family announced that 10 000 jobs will be eliminated during the year.
These executives, who feel probably smarter than the average bear, did not understand that people can no longer see the elite line their pockets unfairly and unjustifiably.
Michel Girard, specialist business columnist for the Journal de Montreal, considered a sacrilege, the immorality of the strong increase in compensation in 2016 the Bombardier senior management is simply scandalous.
Want to know what argument I was served to justify such excessive increase from 30% to over 50%, according to executives? Senior management deserves this increase because Bombardier shares rose 61% in 2016. Like what the company's turnaround and repositioning plan put in place by management reported large shareholders who saw action end the year at $ 2.16, compared with $ 1.34 at the end December 2015. in my view, the argument of Bombardier monks absolutely not hold water.

Toads, elite, bankers, politicians, leeches
Quebecers taxpayers, the working poor to 12 dollars an hour paid wage increases to the Bombardier family, millions of dollars and the Government of Quebec, Minister Carlos Leitao gave us the sum of $ 1.00 per week as a gift for each taxpayer or $ 55 per year.
If the action Bombardier has appreciated to the point in 2016 is because the government Couillard and the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec have invested between them 3.3 billion to ensure the survival of Bombardier. Without this massive government investment and our low wool Quebec, Bombardier risked collapse. That said, let us put in perspective the evolution of Bombardier shares in 2015 and 2016, and in parallel with the evolution of the remuneration of two key executives of the company.
Bombardier Quebecer flagship sucking the breasts of taxpayers but not the Bombardier family who filled their pockets and dismissed without stopping its employees to increase their profits.

The miseries of the rich feel poorer
Bombardier family as associations of Quebec physicians benefit from social aid programs of social solidarity up with increases of more than seven billion dollars in four years.
Between the arrival of M. Bellemare in February 2015 and the end of 2016, the Bombardier shares a decrease of almost 19.4%. How to justify an increase in compensation equivalent to 32%, which in 2016 reached the 12.5 million? What about Pierre Beaudoin? He received a 36.5% salary increase while the action showed a decline of 48% since the end of December 2014. And they emphasize announced in 2016 the elimination of 14,500 jobs. Unacceptable!
The Quebec government, taxpayer claims you $ 500 the bottom of solidarity because your annual income exceeds $ 11,000. According to our calculations, the Department of Revenue of Quebec, you have a prince of life, and you do not know how to manage your money. The Ministry is responsible for removing your money and give it to the Bombardier family, billionaires, leeches, bleeding their shareholders for maximum income with the help of lobbyists, former Liberal ministers, friends of Philippe Couillard we go, we taxpayers, Quebecers, another Quebec, as we point out in Quebec, a Liberal monumental arch.

Bombardier World whines
Bombardier as the Prime Minister of Canada, millionaire at birth, have anything to Canadians and Quebecers taxpayers, they live on clouds where everything is permitted to them, it is the global elites, the Universal crossers as François Hollande, Barack Obama, and siphon throughout their lives with their families, their children, their procreation, all the companies that surround. These raptors, stick like Dracula's plants at all levels of society to gather the maximum benefit for themselves only. The society in which he lives, exists only because they exist. Their selfishness, their narcissism have no equal.
Daniel Johnson, marten
Daniel Johnson, former Premier of Quebec Liberal government, a personal friend of the Prime Minister of Quebec, Philippe Couillard. Daniel Johnson is counsel to McCarthy Tétrault LLP, law firm. Moreover it is lobbyist Quebec Liberal government, which brings him much power and money.  
In addition, the weasel that is, the former premier Daniel Johnson will receive a $ million as lead negotiator of the Charest government in litigation with Canadian National (CN) and Canadian Pacific (CP). At the end of his contract, Mr. shall never do the expertise and negotiations but as it should be in the Liberal organization in Quebec, corruption is generally put.

Their princely regime, they are the kings, privileged societies in which all citizens should care about them first, because their money gives them their reputation as the Emirs who pay and bribe our politicians that the Salafis can infest the country and steal.
Hooray for the Quebec premier who spent us Québec once again
Our beloved Premier of Quebec, the Honorable Philippe Couillard, Carlos Leitao, current Minister of Finance of Quebec and Raymond Bachand former Minister of Finance of the Liberal Party Quebec government lobbyist and suddenly on Bombardier's representative to collect the billions of taxpayers excuse my vulgarity, but I feel like I made stuff. Without lubricant.
Average hourly wage a pre-tax Quebecers employee is $ 21.00 and the minimum wage is $ 11.25 an hour
Barack Obama saved the bankers who stole crates
It reminds me of the American bankers who were rescued by the government after the subprime crisis in 2008.
Obama has given them gonzilliards dollars to save their bankrupt companies and stabilize the world economic system. Barack Obama, the Salafist dipped into the dish of candy to give themselves generous bonuses.
You are boat captain, you driven into an iceberg because you are smashed, and the first thing you do when you send help is to save your skin. I put on my life jacket and I crowned my camp!

The Bombardier family of billionaires miserable
Is often whining against the grumpy who abuse the system. but the Bombardier family and hundreds of other corporations and companies that suck the dollars provincial and federal governments to heart day. After their profit, move to another country, and let the employees in and Out. This is what the president of the United States Donald Trump is trying to stop this bleeding, this global Americanization that benefits only a few companies and politicians.
Welfare recipients fit for work who stay at home and jerking each other off the donut. Or managing an illegal daycare in their two and a half by drinking a beer and receive $ 700 per month.
Our governments bugger us without stopping
But alongside these Social Wellbeing luxury, Bombardier Families and others who benefit from government support to put millions in their pockets, take the money, the week after ad 1000 which will disappear over the next six months, the Quebec government will tell us, the taxpayer, he did a good investment for Bombardier and the money left in Germany.
The leadership of Bombardier and the monks of Wall Street, they have the affair, them! Why suck hundreds of dollars to the state when you can suck millions? Bombardier received billions of subsidies, the Bombardier family has enriched several hundred million, and the Quebec government provided the taxpayer the sum of $ 55 per year to close our mouth, that is to say 1 dollar a week or 75 Euro cents.

The Bombardier family never invest in the company Bombardier
Oh, I forgot, the Bombardier family never invests his own money in Bombardier and its division, only the cellars, the idiots, the taxpayers, who are down by Daniel Johnson, Philippe Couillard, Raymond Bachand, Carlos Leitao, and several other leeches that circulate freely in the corridors of the National Assembly of Quebec, often former ministers or Liberals.
The motto of the Liberal Party of Quebec is the conjugation of the verb is corrupt in all shapes, variations contained, amalgams, religious, immigrants can get maximum votes to stay in power and keep your hands on the chests of gold.
By corruption we know it, quoting Emmanuel Macron, future president of France Salafi Wahhabi
Amir Khadir, member of  solidaireQuébecin the National Assembly, wondered how the idiots of taxpayers could manage $ 1 per week in addition to their paycheck. He suggested to the Prime Minister a parliamentary committee during the summer to see if Quebecers are actually able to put a dollar coin and spend wisely.  
His boss, Gabriel Nadeau Dubois,passing on Radio-Canada with UQAM intellectuals regarded the relevant question and we'll Avenue. The Premier of Quebec, the Honorable Philippe Couillard, asked his friend Daniel Johnson to chair the meeting and will receive a fee of $ 1 million and we can have results in 2018 after the election
François Fillion, the beggar French,asked by email, permission to have air tickets to come attend the rantings of this process because one of his children is sick and the other looking clothes.
Are we fools?

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