dimanche 2 avril 2017

Philippe Couillard - Justin Trudeau - Respectable fanaticism of Islamic, Muslim, Salafist, Koranic, charianic, barbarians of Saudi Arabia

Philippe Couillard - Justin Trudeau - Angela Merkel - François Hollande - Theresa May - Marine Le Pen - Our savior Donald Trump
Avery respectable bigotry of Islamic, Muslims, Salafis, Quranic, of charianiques, barbaric Saudi Arabia continues its destruction of the West with the aid of our politicians
the government Couillard Islamophile Québécophobe and will launch a public consultation on racism and systemic discrimination in Quebec. Meanwhile, Jean-François Lisée denounced an exercise less, he said, to identify a problem and solve the guilt that all the people of Quebec by passing to collectively racist.

Racist politicians self-managed by the Emirs of the Gulf
Philippe Couillard immediately accused the Parti Québécois leader to make "denial." Just as François Hollande, Emmanuel Macron, François Fillion, pro Islamist media, stab the French with their own racism Muslims not wanting nothing integrate the people and Western customs. They hate the West so much, their only goal, according to the Quran, is the total destruction of the West, including the infidels actively involved politicians and judges of the17th in Paris, mentally sold pro Islamic, terrorists and not patriotic and nationalistic.
Ashamed are our institutions justices
Contrary to what you might think, the word "Holocaust denial" is not an ordinary word. "Denial" is not only an attitude of denying something. "Denial" is the word used to designate the position of denying the explicit will to commit genocide in place of the Jewish people during World War II. And today, Philippe Couillard, wanting to install the Koran and Sharia in Quebec and Canada, wants to capitalize maximum Quebecers as being Nazistes sending the crematoria poor Salafi Islamists who make rain or shine in The national assembly.

François Fillion wants its free airline tickets to Qatar
Jews were oppressed and killed by the Nazis and Muslim Salafists them kill Christians and Jews. Salafi Islamists Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau are the pure breeds that need to exterminate us. So in Ottawa as in Quebec, we develop laws to eliminate our democracies and install the dictatorship, the Sharia which is so dear to the eyes of Philippe Couillard scoundrel came from Saudi Arabia after having suffered a brainwashing and millions of dollars in thanks for his loyal service to the devil and the Islamic crusade Quebec City Mayor Régis Labeaume cheerfully participates in its destructive application of this region.
Saint-Apollinaire, a small town on the South Shore of Quebec, cemetery exclusively for Muslims.
The intolerance of the Islamic Koran Muslim dictates is the Islamist negativism Philippe Couillard
Ignorance is the mother of all vices and a medal always has two sides, Philippe Couillard. You should show objectivity when you want to kill the Quebec people that you hate so much. As you know, the airport traitor Canada Pierre Elliott Trudeau offers daily flights to Paradise, Saudi Arabia, you can go with your family and your daughter could go to roost on the second branch to listen to your speech nazistes fallacious on the supposed racism of Quebecers.  

Also I forgot, we may send you blueberries annually to remind you that you are as the water bearer of wahhabi Salafist extremists, terrorists, unreasonable accommodation to Quebecers who killed as a bloodthirsty murderer civilization and our culture.
So citizens in Saint-Apollinaire, angry expressed opposition colorfully. "Why don't you want to be buried next to me?" Asked one. "We, we are forced to adapt to them other. If they are not happy, who stay at home, "commented another. However, the room has snubbed it.
Hamza Chaoui, imam in Montreal, the Koran is uncountable with democracy, Christians and Jews
Muslims should not be buried beside the disbelievers  CHRISTIANS OR JEWS OF WESTERN, WE BREED SUPERIOR, SUCH AS NAZISTES THE ARYAN RACE OF ADOLPH HITLER. We want universal complete purification of all Western rot around us. Namely those who do not claim to Islam, including Muslims who display their unbelief. Muslim jurists even forbidding Muslims to support a non-Muslim to his funeral.

Squore: Salafis and Muslim and Jew Christian 10 vs 0
Moreover, the idea of normal Salafist Koranic man, moderate, extremist, politician, leftist intellectual, feminist, Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, CBC and companies, reinforced the conceptualization of purity and the political religion of barbarians Salafi Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Muslim countries and iMPURITY oF tHE WESTERN, perversities, FREEDOMS, OF TIES BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN, TEMPORARY THINK BY THEM-Same AND DECIDE WHICH ARE AGAINST THE BASIS EVEN THE KORAN, THE POWER OF THEIR sLAVES imams.
Indeed, it was essential that those belonging to the Aryan race Wahhabi Salafist Muslim nazi who repents in the West remain pure and not contaminated with unhealthy Christians and Jews we chosen people of Allah should destroy the earth.
Are Has there a difference between the Quran and Salafist Muslims Nazistes according honest intellectual that our media do not want talk about openly? NO!
Nature as Muslims, Salafis do not wish that weak beings procreate with more powerful beings, what she wants even less is that a superior race is mixed with an inferior race because if this happened all her efforts, throughout hundreds of millions of years, to establish a higher class of human evolutionary, could advise futile. We have to win by any way the powers of the rule of law that has welcomed us and make our steps, and the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau offers his indescribable and full support in this matter. His lectures will be transmitted by satellite on channels international and Arab AlJazeera TV and Satellite England, USA and France

Our authorities paillassonnent kneel before a rectal breath for fear of being politically incorrect. We can cram Christians but we have horrible fears of Muslims because they they respect, they are Islamic racism, Koranic and do not care about us, their integrations are their any of their worries because they have already conquered Quebec, Canada and the West as a whole.
Meanwhile in Montreal, Christian students in a school are void end of year prom because Muslims are participating in Ramadan
Cancellation of graduation in high school Antoine de Saint-Exupery in St-Leonard neighborhood of Montreal is a problem of any kind. In this case, the management of the institution cancels the event because many students will not attend because of Ramadan.
The Minister of Education Sébastien Proulx, after receiving a call from Prime Minister Philippe Couillard telling him to shut up, said he was disappointed with this decision but considering that Muslims are the pool main voting  for not angry he considers that Christians and students of Italian Catholic neighborhood of St. Leonard in Montreal have only had to put her in the ass.
Rite western passage, integration and diversity among new adult
What Muslim students refuse to participate in this rite of passage that marks a milestone of schooling for students in Canada who is celebrating a success and a moment of rejoicing friendly, speaks volumes about the lack of integration of students with Quebec and Canadian cultures. Especially since this graduation can take place after breaking the fast but in the backward Muslim community and extremist he will never have integration with unbelievers.

You will see these new citizens, with their second generation in Quebec they will be more rigorous than their own parents, and will make the widespread dictatorship, with common Sharia in this political regime.
We have welcomed with open arms, received refugees, that we did not want because we have too many non-integrated immigrants across Canada, and you just shit on our heads, what would you do in our place, so we will do that in Saudi Arabia required accommodations, unreasonable hanging the next morning, Philippe Couillard.
Philippe Couillard explicit identity eyed, racist, incendiary, anti Quebecers
However, it opens the door to criticism from those who worry about the future of living together so dear to Philippe Couillard. This managerial decision to cancel this purely Convocation is unacceptable. How can we deprive students over a hundred, who wanted the ceremony?
We are again at an arbitrary decision which one will allow us to affirm that it is dictated by political correctness, cowardice and fear of making waves in a largely peaceful majority community but which emerge some agitators, who have that Islamophobia in the mouth.
Skids corrupt liberal policies, silver and religion
Can not love a culture or a religion, provided they do not act in a discriminatory manner and not to promote hatred, which is and must remain illegal? Until we accept that controversial, even shocking opinions, are mistreated, why is it prohibited to debate?
It grows in Quebec and even in English Canada, as demonstrated by the motion against Islamophobia, an asphyxiating couch freedom, more to the left of the garden to the right, that should ring bells. But strangely reassuring about our ability to worship a living together talkative but often deceptive.

The patronage of our politicians ties up our freedoms of expression
Patronage is the practice that allows politicians, political party and their corrupt friends, with wealth of obtaining for financial benefits, accommodations,changes in laws, special benefits, submission, allegiance to a group of people forming its customers a specific community, a specific religion, lobbyists advocating the Salafists.
The demagoguery of Luc Chartrand, CBC journalist, and Mélanie Joly, Salafist minister under the government of Justin
Trudeau,by extension, political patronage means the attitude of a person or a liberal party that seeks to increase the number of his "clientele politics" by granting undue benefits in exchange for future support, in particular election. Shortly after the election the political party usually practice the same falsehoods and junk the party that prevailed before. The new government will forget its promises and put the maximum in his pockets, citizens are no longer left his everyday worries, it is in power, and money flows like water.
The ignorant will pay taxes and undergo Islamic legal malpractice racist Islamophobic Salafists Philippe Couillard.

Allah is great in the land of blueberries.

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