lundi 10 avril 2017

Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau Criminally responsible AND GUILTY cultivate and propagate Racism, Islamophobia, Christianophobia, the Québécophobia across Canada and Quebec

Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau criminally responsible AND GUILTY cultivate and propagate Racism, Islamophobia, Christianophobia, the Québécophobia across Canada and Quebec
Culture of identity storms populist Justin Hussein Trudeau and Philippe Couillard Saudi Canadians destructive Quebecers and by questions biased advances. So, automatic responses are all whites are racists, terrorists and all men are potential rapists by Anne Marie Goldwater judge.

The electioneering is not foreign to this pressing need to place the "racist" we are on the defensive, because we imagine the conclusions that have already arrived many members of this multicultural gasoline court.
Guilt Philippe Couillard unknown Salafist
How Philippe Couillard may knowingly triggered a new crisis situation where, this time, it will be people with questionable motives and even seditious, who accuse the Quebec majority already worried and if inclined to guilt?
Trudeau Justin’s Invision,which adheres unconditionally Philippe Couillard, causes a form of ghettoization of persons, communities,  religions,first identified their gender, the color of their skin, their sexual orientation or ethnocultural or supposed culture. How can we live in society by being constantly perceived by what separates us rather by what unites us?
Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard build and ennobled the KoranicSalafist Islamist racism Wahhabi in Quebec
Jean-François Lisée Is convinced that consultation on Systemic Racism will fuel the resentment of the majority and raise the ire of the minority, because that there is no racism in Quebec except Philippe Couillard and liberals who regularly agitate with immigration Minister Quebec, Kathleen Weil the Q-Tip identity, the Quebec rag, the rape of Quebec.
Whether Justin Trudeau with his Islamophobia, Philippe Couillard daily with his statements that those who disagree with him fueling xenophobia that is part of a context that is trying to impose Quebecers to blame, stigmatize, he said.
Cultural communities are opposed to racist Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard
Representatives of Quebec's cultural communities came Thursday denouncing the consultation on racism and systemic discrimination Couillard announced by the government.
Gabriel Bazin, vice president of the Black Coalition of Quebec,Alexandra Regalado, Vice President of the Latin Association-American Of Quebec and Ferid Chikhi consultant, professional integration held a press briefing at the National Assemblycompany Parti Québécois (PQ), Jean-François Lisée.
These, however, were present on a personal basis and do represent not necessarily the opinion of their respective groups.
"Instead of looking for the causes and incendiary must take care to extinguish the fire before it empire," said Ferid Chikhi.
The Parti Québécois (PQ) took the opportunity to launch a petition asking the government to take concrete action against racism, while adopting a bill to address the issue of religious accommodation.
"More and more Quebecers to the host society and adoption Quebecers say: The time for action, says Jean-François Lisée. But what the Liberal government is proposing is continuing inaction and make a commission that will be seen as a trial of Quebecers racism and discrimination, so a commission that will increase tensions.
"Multiculturalism Justin Trudeau is the identity terrorism, cultural annihilation of a society
multiculturalism in the Trudeau is immigration identity to nothingness, the abyss of our new immigrants. Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard and governments advocate of multiculturalism in countering radicalization and terrorism. Instead, communitarianism, which follows, could be a breeding ground for jihadist recruiters.
See Adil Charkaoui, Hamza Chaoui,and hundreds of other imams, journalists, state television when rigged emissions and fucked by the Heritage Minister, the Desmarais family, and media, Salafi Muslim associations across wasabi Canada blithely fund the Muslim Brotherhood receiving tax receipts as charitable gifts of federal and provincial governments for the destruction of the Canadian and Quebec identity.  
Our dear imams paid by Saudi Saudis or schools funded by Qatar and our provincial governments that teach Sharia young men to teach them to know the inferiority of their mother, the woman, the female, the service exclusive, servile sexually male and in his mosque and at colleges in Montreal there entrap college students to paradise jihadists from the Middle East to join the Islamic State with impunity in accordance with our laws and our States rights which provides all democratic tools to destroy our Western civilization as desired by our judges of our Supreme Courts of Canada, an example of the kirpan, a knife brought to school.  
The spurious authorities who govern
the Canadian and Quebec authorities and some elected officials at all levels that there was blurring the democratic norm. We squandered violations, such as inequalities between boys and girls, between men and women. This is totally unacceptable. There are house rules, these rules can not suffer any exception in the West, in our democracies, which are untouchable by any religion or political religion, Islam, the Salafists, the Koran, sharia, barbarians with the desired octane, regular, moderate, extremist or super extremist.
And those who, perhaps comfort or political calculation, let him do those things were grossly mistaken. There was the letting go everywhere with accommodation unreasonable Philippe Couillard and its committees on freedoms of expressions of eliminations for Christians and Jews and the demonization of Quebecers on racism as a daily practice Philippe Couillard against the people of Quebec.  
Philippe Couillard persists with Justin Trudeau to prove that Quebecers are racist in the world and that is just the opposite, they are the most welcoming, the more dumb the world, they give all they are insulted, the Quebec Bashing by English Canada, and the Prime Minister blithely accepts, the water carrier, was born for the bun, the servant of the Salafist Saudi Arabia that pays well him to the Island of Jersey
Promote multiculturalism ghettoization and rising tensions rather than the rapprochement of cultures and their interrelations in a harmonious living together. Cities like Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver undergo attacking multiculturalism daily with increasingly many communities with extreme unemployment.
Industries owners fear these immigrants once they enter their industries they claim accommodation unreasonable to the extreme that Christian employees, premises do not have rights. So immigrants to cry racism including Philippe Couillard will be welcomed and will prove his thesis traitor, Saudi  and the owners and other employees suffer the injustices that religious politico their inflict.
Pants down Philippe Couillard and his pool of Muslim voters
The charter of secularism, the government laxismes Couillard, placing on the shelves of the report of the Bouchard-Taylor Commission, the incongruities of reasonable accommodation and all these silences accomplices of the "politically correct" to preserve their political careers.
Religions and religious do not have their place within our governments, our laws, our rights of States and not to the Government to dictate to us what we need to love one religion or another. The government and politicians, and politicians are secular, and make no reference to any God, because God is part of the human mind, the brain, the afterlife, beliefs.
The government belongs to taxes, corrupt politicians, those who rob us, white-collar workers. And with us we know corruption, Mr. Philippe Couillard, Daniel Johnson, Raymond Bachand, and hundreds of other liberal friends of long standing, we can certainly say anti underlined and dated.
Emmanuel Macron Salem El-multiculturalism to Justin Trudeau Score: 100 French Muslims 0
Without common standards, it is the return to tribalism and wild wishes to extend its domination. Multiculturalism is a spectacular ball but empty proves collective values and destroys the respect of each and of a people of Emmanuel Macron, French Salafist who reports for the April presidential in France recently emphasized that France and the French have no culture without Muslims.

Emmanuel Macron currently seeking circumcision mentally and sexually with François Fillion and Ambassador of Qatar in Paris Meshal Bin Hamad Al Thani. The problem is that François Fillion not find anyone to buy him shoes and a phone to call a taxi to Charles de Gaulle airport. François Fillion is currently the sidewalk in Paris at night in some lousy room after some action from him relate a few dozen euros hard earned by the sweat of his body.

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