dimanche 9 avril 2017

New Delhi - Religions and religious who murder - ALERT in the West on the RELIGIONS GOVERN THE RIGHTS VITAL - Multiculturalism Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard

New Delhi - Religions and religious who murder - ALERT in the West on the RELIGIONS GOVERN THE RIGHTS VITAL - Multiculturalism Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard
Muslim beaten to death for having loved a Hindu, Friday, April 7, 2017, Messrs Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, François Hollande, Angela Merkel, Theresa May, the Charters of rights for Muslim Canadians and Quebecers.

Religious beliefs AIDS International Mental, INCURABLE
Cursed religious beliefs that kill humans. Muslims murder of honors and as we pointed out the mining first in Quebec, we must accept it as it is part of their ancestral and religious custom of the Koran, Sharia and their Salafist barbarism that is encrusted in West and Canada through all our institutions with the help and support of provincial and federal Liberal party Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada and France with François Hollande, Emmanuel Macron, François Fillion, Alain Juppé, Manuel Valls, the media, status as CBC television and France communication Crown Corporations.
The religious dictatorship and religion
For uneducated in geography, New Delhi is the capital of India with 16, 3 million people and the country of 1.3 billion inhabitants confession mainly Hindu. As elsewhere in the country who can not get out, get rid of religious and religions who have hands placed on civil and official powers they control laws, religious police, National Assemblies, judges and judgments.
New Delhi
Agence France Presse (AFP) New Delhi | A Muslim boy was beaten to death in front of his girlfriend Hindu by Hindus from their village who did not accept their relationship, police said Friday.
Mohammad Shalik, 20, was attacked by several dozen people from his village when he had to bring his girlfriend scooter near her home in Gumla district of the eastern state of Jharkhand.
The mob was tied to a post and beaten with sticks and belts to his girlfriend for several hours Wednesday night, before he succumbed to his injuries Thursday, police said.
Religious motive?
"We try to find out if the crowd was driven by the family" of the girl, said the head of the Gumla police, adding that three people had been arrested and others were being sought for the murder that the police considers religious grounds.
The young couple was talking for almost a year and had been threatened in the past, he added.

Relationships Interfaith are still taboo in India Pakistan, Afghanistan, neighboring Muslim countries that do not accept them as infidels in their ranks.
The subject was exploited by the nationalists in recent years, including the Hindu extremists who stirred complotiste specter of "love jihad", which would see the Muslim community to use its boys to seduce young Hindu and run away with them to convert to Islam.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the Hindu nationalist party of Prime Minister Narendra Modi had made the protection of young Hindu women one of his campaign themes during regional elections last March.
Caste in India, cultural discrimination endorsed by Justin Trudeau, the male superiority over females in mosques and Islam
Hereditary specialization: caste is associated with a trade. There launderers caste, blacksmiths, tanners, barbers, etc. However, the match between caste and occupation is not complete, especially with the advent of modern professions.
Inbreeding: people of a caste marry people of the same caste. This rule is largely respected in modern India and inter-caste marriages are rare. The children of a marriage in a caste also belong to this caste and remain so throughout their lives: thus a caste is a "closed group". Beyond endogamy, castes also trying to maintain a social distance vis-à-vis other castes (rejection of common meal in particular).

The hierarchy different castes form dependent groups each other and prioritized them. Humans are fundamentally unequal and each must perform within the company the job that suits his rank. This hierarchy is expressed by a relative level of caste purity: Hindus are sensitive to the impurity of certain events (death, birth, etc.) or activities (the work of the skin, for example).
The degree of impurity of a professional occupation is reflected in the relative purity of the caste practice. Thus, for example, caste responsible for evacuating and squaring dead animals is considered very unclean, so a Hindu point of a higher caste could touch or drink the same water that a member : what is the origin of the untouchable;
Dalits, also called untouchables or Harijans are considered groups of individuals, from the perspective of the caste system as outcasts and assigned to duties or occupations deemed unclean. Present in India but also in all of South Asia, Dalits are victims of many forms of discrimination.
Completeness: in principle, every Hindu belongs to a caste.

The voices of Justin Trudeau dictated in the Koran specifically
According to a consensus General and religiously almost airtight, it is forbidden for a Muslim woman from marrying a non-Muslim and whatever the religion of the latter. While it is permissible for the Muslim to marry a non-Muslim, particularly Christian or Jewish, the latter being considered by the Islamic scholastic tradition as belonging to the "People of the Book" sacred Justin keeps near his bed with his wife lying at the foot of the bed of the Lord audience who kept watch against its multicultural demons
"Do not marry idolatrous women (al mouchrikate) as they are not believing (hata you'mina). A believing slave is better than an idolater even free if it has the advantage of pleasing you. Do not marry idolatrous men (al mouchrikine) as long as they are not believers (hata you'minou).
A believing slave is better than an idolater, even if it has the advantage of pleasing you; Because they (the disbelievers) will be in hell when God, by His Grace, invites you to paradise and absolution of sins. God describes His verses clearly to human beings in order to get them to think "Quran 2; 221.
Pierre Elliott Trudeau in the Charter of Rights and Freedom Canadienne
This verse is quite clear as to the Koranic injunction prohibiting marriage between believers - men and women - and men and women who, at the time, were designated by the term "mouchrikine" ie polytheists.

Anyone can become a Muslim, wrote the Grand Mufti of SaudiArabia,and approved by Adil Charkaoui imam in Montreal in the free time provided to strictly respect the Koran, sharia, men are superior to female slaves, and never leave Islam on pain of death, and he rest in peace unfaithful. What is clear is clear and unambiguous, it is politically correct and unanimously approved by the boards of the judiciary and racist committees Islamophiles Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau.
Catastrophic religious excesses of human laws recognized by the UN and Canada Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard
The supremacy of Sharia law over all other religions
The latter will be the right one. This is the "Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam" subject entirely "Islamic Faith."It reaffirms the supremacy of Sharia and constitutes a break with the universal vision of human rights, which it rejects the fundamentals.

She introduced the concept of the Ummah (Muslim community) will play an active role to "light the way for humanity." The gender equality law is absent and freedom of religion, conscience and belief is prohibited there, particularly in terms of the offense of apostasy, which is punishable by the death penalty.
Our dear Emirs who fulfill the checkbooks of our crooked politicians who govern us in our Western countries
this debate two incompatible conceptions of human rights, one carried by democratic countries and the other by a Wahhabi regime not soon to be transposed in the West. Saudi Arabia will put its weight behind the Salafist groups, washable it will fund in order to promote the implementation of Sharia law and the concept of Islamophobia.
But Islamophobia does not include the fight against racism, since democratic societies already have charters and legal instruments to combat it.
Islamophobia applies only to one religion, Islam. It essentially aims to limit freedom of expression in this area to silence any internal reform to Islam or any questioning in connection with radical Islamist movements, to work in the West, to enable them to advance their agenda policy with impunity.

If the "blasphemy" or Islamophobia had existed 12 years ago, I could not have the motion against the establishment of Islamic tribunals in Quebec and Canada, to adopt unanimously the national Assembly on 26 May 2005 and to reduce the Ontario government on this drift including Philippe Couillard brings us there directly.
Philippe Couillard, Quebec Premier, to become next Salafist Muslim, with his committee on the supposed racism, created by himself and his Liberal colleagues to blame Quebecers. Whose cultural communities are adamantly opposed to consultations on racism Philippe Couillard.  
The assholes of power have their religions also money
Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau suffer from diseases identity and patriotism Canadians and Quebecers, chronic Islamophobia. They are Québécophobes, Christianophobes, Raciophobes, ethnophobes against Francophone Quebecers, in one word the trash to barbarians services petrodollars from Saudi Arabia that give them the balance of power at each election. They are like asses lick François Hollande and Queen of Europe Angela Merkel soiled with sperm terrorist refuge

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