mardi 4 avril 2017

Twenty-first century of darkness, money, terrors, Islamist, religious demagogy, politicians, petrodollars OF LIARS

Twenty-first century of darkness, money, terrors, Islamist, religious demagogy, politicians, petrodollars OF LIARS
Correspondence between Marie Antoinette and Axel Fersen by Émile Baumann
Editions Grasset & Fasquelle, 2012 ISBN 97822446799429 -1st publication
American Revolution March 1783
Quote: Mr. de Stael therefore returns from America, without which no brilliant action had reported his campaign. But he practiced faithfully all military virtues, he has become. Hard to fatigue and "himself". He carried out there universal esteem. As for the cause he went to serve, she goes into the background. The Americans, except Washington and a few others, let him remember a fierce greed "Money is their god."  All that is long gone, now he is conscious that to prolong his stay in France, it is to say "the happiness of his life."

In Twenty-first century what changes in the quotation of this conquest of Washington's crusade in America. What is the single new word that we must include in this quote from 1783 and is today the emergence of a new dynasty or a new world hell.
The Islamists, the Muslim, the Salafists, the Emirs of golf courses, the Saudis Arabia, Qatar, the Koran, the charianiques, the barbarians of the Middle East petrodollars black gold that control and happily bribe all our governments our politicians, our intellectuals, our feminists, our media, our national television, our judges of the17th district, mosques, networks internet media CNN, BBC, CBC, AlJazeera,our national assemblies, our Parliament hill Ottawa, etc.
Politicians sources of international rots

Sell their ancestors, their customs, their futures in their communities and their children to the Salafist terrorist barbarians of Islam for ONLY THEIR FIERCE GREED MONEY IS GOD ALONE.
Names of politicians who politicize our lives and our futures,Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau, Theresa May, François Hollande, Emmanuel Macron, Alain Juppé, Henriette Recker, François Fillion, Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, Judy Wilson Raybould, Philippe Couillard, François Fillion, Manuel Valls, and all your politicians, judges, intellectuals in your universities, your feminist justifying the Islamic veil Agnes Faw, the collaborator Pope Francis, and other employees that you see every second on your TV you give the honors of Islamic commandments and you suppress your freedom of expression including Prime Minister Philippe Couillard is an expert, Islamic weasel Quebec.
The Senator Nathalie Goulet claims his Christmas gift to the Ambassador of Qatar in Paris as friends of France, Qatar
basic salary 7 185,60 Euro gross per month which includes a basic allowance (5 585.05 euro), a housing allowance (167.43 euros) and a tax allowance based on tax Revenue (1,437.12 euro) or 5 405.04 net per month.  
Representative compensation costs net of 6 109.89 euros per month to meet the various expenses related to the exercise of their mandate (car rental, hospitality)

Advantages: 7 638.95 euros at its disposal to pay their employees, microcomputers staffing, free of SNCF network in 1 st class, comprehensive package of telephone communications.
As for MPs, accumulated compensation is possible, within 8 371.58 gross per month.
All politicians, all countries are selling the Wahhabi Salafists, want to have a clear conscience to betray and sell more easily the population of their country to the Qur'an, barbarians who sit on Human Rights to the UN
The senator Orne, Nathalie Goulet, wiped also whenever a loud and clear rejection of Qatar's representative in Paris. Yet she multiplied the applications. End 2015, she first called the office of the ambassador to complain about not having received his Christmas gift."How Is it that I have not received my New Year Gift,other senators have had one and not me?" She protested. "She can go to hell!" Grumbled Meshaal when his colleague gave him an account of Ms. Goulet call.
When Qatar was attacked by political or in the press after the attacks, the senator did not hesitate to propose to the Embassy to organize a seminar, course against retribution. The diplomatic mission said niet. Since then, Ms. Goulet admit bluntly: "I do not like Qatar."
The21st Century Communications, lies, populist
In those years disrupted, unhealthy, religious, Islamic and other religions that it put their money and their political lobbies, we managed to communicate on the entire planet. Everywhere, we can have an overview of all events, novelties, misfortunes happening at once. That's wonderful!  

Our kids online, our undead
Our young people, citizens, families, members in families, no longer speak, they are isolated. They no longer speak, they enter the bus, they are connected with son, to their non-smart phones, they play games, missing their correspondence, slap or assaulting the bus driver because they have lost their matches. The other, comes to school, sits at his seat, sticks to his computer and converse on the canvas but forgets to converse with his own brain and other students and teachers.
It is only in an unreal world. He believes that nature exists only when the electric current passes through the machine's computer. It was designed by a computer. What now happens at the international or national perspective, municipal, so these people connect to son become zombies, the living dead.  
These living dead, are easy prey for lefties or backward feminists who only propagate Salafist ideas of one side of a medal as very often the elite of UQAM, and journalists from Radio-Canada, or Press, Leninist student associations. These groups have unique idea never approves the truth and diversity. These guinea pigs, connected to the virtual can not know and understand political, politicians who happily serve them.

Religious, imams, are especially expert in the manipulation of the masses as well as politicians. Religious politicizing constantly including Justin Trudeau is the chief executive.
The presence of Justin Trudeau in a mosque imposing separation between men and women causing a stir. Women's groups complain that this passage endorses a misogynist practice.
Our politicians kneel before Islam
This is the case of the Canadian Council of Muslim. Its director, Alia Hogben, recalls that "unfortunately, although some of us, Muslims, oppose gender segregation in mosques and in social gatherings, most are more traditional and have no problem with the separation. " It nevertheless ensures that some mosques allow mixed, a sign that "it can be done." "It would have been good he claims that he and his female ministers are for the same time assembly and not separately. At least it would have demonstrated gender equality.
"Today,our youth, our youth is connected in a virtual world, and our politicians who control all universal and religious information, money, the power that the s' attach to it. Parents who work endlessly to pay taxes do not have the time to worry about what our dear politicians cheating under their feet.  

Our dear friends Emirs, Koranic barbarians Islamic Salafist Islam that is already installed in all countries of the West and who took total control with our elites, politicians, our intellectuals, our universities, our judges who support dictatorships, religious Nazistes silently progressing and media sprinkle us multiple information to flood the common man in the big precipices. People do not understand anything, and communications are damaged, the entire mess, populist politicians, elected officials is optimized, the population is totally sodomized.  

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