dimanche 9 avril 2017

Politicians FRENCH and other countries that the handle with Emirs Gulf, the assholes who govern you and qui sell you the Salafists and the barbarians Quranic Saudis, Qatar and Muslims invading you in Europe

Politicians FRENCH and other countries that the handle with Emirs Gulf, the assholes who govern you and qui sell you the Salafists and the barbarians Quranic Saudis, Qatar and Muslims invading you in Europe
Here are your royal assholes
François Hollande, Rachilda Dati, Ségolène Royal, Jean-Marie Le Guen, MP Nicolas Bays, Senator Nathalie Goulet, Dominique de Villepin, Jack Lang, François Fillion, Emmanuel Macron, etc.

Dangerous Liaisons, immoral, populist, between some leading French politicians and the Gulf states, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the Salafi, Wahabi,the Koran Persian barbarians, killers of Christians and Jews, international terrorists, including the Islamic State European countries selling arms and planes to these religious dictatorships and Muslim terrorists who take refuge on European soil to make their crusade, that of Allah e Does the disappearance of the entire West with collaborations of your assholes who govern you and who want their gifts.
François Hollande and Queen of Europe, Angela Merkel, the German udder, and England lie just turn to these devils to receive their gifts at the expense of European taxpayers and against a backdrop of terrorist attacks.  
Each time you see your corrupt on the media, tell them that you love them the way they sell you the Islamists, Muslim, and during the presidential election think about Marine Le Pen may be the only one to fight effectively because you already lost the fight in France, and France no longer exists as highlighted Donald Trump. The French are dead.

Corrupt UN and purchased by the Emirs of the Gulf
Among the triggers of this explosive investigation: Qatar's Ambassador change in France.
The new representative of Doha, Al Thani Meshaal refuses to be as generous as its predecessor. The authors recount "three years after his arrival in Paris, he seems tired of all these practices." A friend says: "Meshaal, who was stationed in Belgium and the United States, often told me:" I have never seen this before!
I attended policies everywhere; but none has behaved like some French, none asked money so abruptly, politicians, beggars, as if it was natural, as if we owed them something! We are not a bank. "See François Fillion gets paid costumes by unknown, is what kind of politician, going bare foot or a scoundrel?
Jean-Marie Le Guen, shameless, shameless, shameless !, shameless, immoral, what a bitch
As one official in Doha, Jean-Marie Le Guen announced clearly the color Paris".
"Jean-Marie Le Guen told diplomats in  as Minister responsible Relations with Parliament, I want all MPs and senators from my camp, through questions to the government. I can block hostile questions in Qatar, or rather feed them. But I do not have to do it for free. " In short, it made us literally blackmail.

The duplicity of Rachida Dati
Ah, the luxurious 7th district! Whereas resident ambassadors in Paris. As Emir father, Rachida Dati has the sense of opportunity, not fearing to use and abuse their address book. She had the idea to start a club ambassador, friend of Qatar, which would meet periodically in his district. Nice idea! But he had some money to turn Montmartre, politicians of prostitutes Rachilda Ms Dati. Never mind! Rachida went knocking on the door of the Ambassador of Qatar.
Composition of the friendship group France-Qatar on April 8, 2017, the 14th Legislature to monitor
In June, a leak would have revealed that a confidential book, distributed sparingly by the Embassy of Qatar, identifies French personalities who obtained price of 10,000 euros given by the ambassador, reports Media-press info.
Dominique de Villepin, Frédéric Mitterrand, Bertrand Delanoë, Jack Lang, Michel Rocard, Hubert Vedrine, Gérard Larcher, Régis Debray, Tahar Ben Jelloun, Edmonde Charles-Roux, Emmanuel Todd, Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres, Jean Daniel, Paul Mongi Roger Taillibert Monique Papon, Senator and Deputy Mayor of Nantes Jean-Marc Ayrault, and even the cartoonist Plantu (ah, the mind Charlie!) have each received a small envelope of 10,000 euros. The list is not exhaustive and follow.
Back to our dogs politi thieves
So: "She did not ask less than 400 000 for his association" is still surprised a member of the embassy. An extravagant sum! Rachida Dati present its request at a dinner with Meshaal al-Thani, on a Sunday evening, November 22, 2015 exactly. But the diplomat made it clear that it will be difficult to respond positively. She seems shocked by this refusal, which will be notified by an official letter signed by the Qatari representative in France.

The next morning, Rachida Dati is the guest of talk show of Jean-Jacques Bourdin RMC.We are ten days after the attacks of Bataclan and the Stade de France.
The former minister Exchange foot and load Qatar. "Saudi Arabia and even Qatar have a desire to develop their ideology, especially to counter Shiite Islam, she says
The Gulf countries was that fund mosques, associations, terrorists imams structures we can not control, "she laments. When he hears this, the ambassador did not return."She dines with me, asking me to help him, and the next day she drags us through the mud."
Jack Lang, profiteer, exploitative, and sunk, usurper, leech
At the head of the Arab World Institute (IMA) Jack Langis quoted not only by the Embassy of Qatar, but also by those of Arabia and the United Arab Emirates as a partner unscrupulous. "He comes to claim three places in Business for his wife and his friend, when invited to Abu Dhabi, fulminates a member of the embassy of the UAE. And if they refuse, there is a risk that publicly criticizes the Emirates. "
Dominique de Villepin "in First class everywhere and even in the toilet" if anything
Dominique de Villepin,he demands to be in First class or he sulks invitations in Doha, said another diplomat from the Embassy of Qatar. After Dominique de Villepin canceled his participation at a conference because he was not in Business and First class. The ambassador remained stunned.

Another certainty: the former prime minister, became a business lawyer, does not speak well of Qatar for nothing, as those we reported behavior. "France has no evidence of Qatar's involvement in terrorist financing", stated Villepin 4 November 2015 on Europe 1 radio.
"The Senator Nathalie Goulet, the crying claims his Christmas present
The Orne Senator Nathalie Goulet,wiped also whenever a loud and clear rejection of Qatar's representative in Paris. yet she multiplied the applications. End 2015, she first called the office of the ambassador to complain about not having received his Christmas gift.
"How is it that I have not received my New year gift, other senators have had one and not me?" she protested. "what ' she can go to hell! "grumbled Meshaal Bin Hamad al Thani of Qatar Ambassador, when his colleague gave her account of the appeal of Ms. Nathalie Goulet.
When Qatar was attacked by political or in the press after the attacks, the Senator did not hesitate to propose to the Embassy to organize a symposium, against payment of course r. The diplomatic mission said niet. Since then, Ms. Nathalie Goulet admit bluntly: "I do not like Qatar."

The pellet MP Nicolas Bays
If a Member whose Ambassador of Qatar is particularly tired, Nicolas Bays, elected socialist North - Pas-de-Calais. Member of the friendship group France-Qatar, it was close to the former ambassador Mohammed al-Kuwari. With his successor, Bays does not lace.
He personally sent an SMS to Meshaal al-Thani, one witness reported us the content: "I have financial problems now mother of the toddler is tired I would take her abroad, but... my budget is a little tight. Can you invite me in a Doha hotel and pay us a plane ticket on Qatar Airways? That would help me, please. "
Far from being discouraged by a first refusal, the Bays MP asked twice again by SMS, Ambassador of Qatar. The first time, asking for money to pay for work on his house. The diplomat did not respond. Finally, he did not hesitate to call her designer shoes.
Despite the Jean Vincent Place

Another victim of the new deal, the Green Minister Jean-Vincent Place, who complains in the VIP area of the PSG as the current ambassador to prompt more weekends. "Place did not receive as gifts of his predecessor," said a relative of the Embassy refusing to say more.
The ambiguities of the municipality of Cannes, corrupt to the Salafist town govern you  
Al-Medina Mosque Al-Munawara Cannes is 100% financed by Saleh Kamel, CEO of Koranic television channel Iqra, who lives in the city. He wanted to create a place of worship near his house to pray. The Saudi businessman has played transparency by associating Bernard Brochand, the mayor of the city from 2001 to 2014, his project, without it it opposes the least.
So much so, says Bernard Godart, at the time "the mayor's office called me to the Interior Ministry to ask me if I knew a capable officer imam in the mosque! I said no, because obviously it was not my responsibility. "

A Saudi newspaper tycoon, Hicham Hafez, has also built a small mosque near the Croisette in Cannes, where he spent his holidays. Again, with the approval of the municipality! He financed his own money - 250,000 euros.
The mayor of Cannes therefore granted two rich Saudis everyone the right to build the mosque in the city, but today local authorities prohibit wearing of French the burkinis to the beach. Some are sure to raise some inconsistency between the two decisions...
"Bruno Le Maire has not kept the watch, HE IS HONEST but other
Ministers "Let me tell you a story, says the candidate primary right, from the terrace of his general campaign district in the 6th arrondissement of Paris. In 2009, when I was Minister of Agriculture, I was assigned to accompany cheikh Hamad,Emir of Qatar for four hours in Paris.
In the end, he presented me with a Patek Philippe circled with diamonds, worth 85,000 euros. You can imagine, this is a year of my treatment MP! I put her in the trunk of the ministry. I think she must still be
"The former diplomat and Dominique de chief of de Villepin Foreign Ministry knows the intricacies of our relationship with the Gulf monarchies.
All men, all women, all religions are bought, it is only a question of price. nIall international political classes, politicians are dipping a large scale in these Med clubs in the national Assemblies of the world, care corrupt, where the corruption institutionalized as part of all political systems.
Quote of a mafia in Montreal, Tony Accurso but a ETERNAL TRUTH
Tony Accurso This is something my father taught me, do not ask a politician t ' help, asked him not to harm you.
politicians, like religions only want power and they are ready to do everything to keep it.

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