lundi 10 avril 2017

Philippe Couillard and Associates liberal political Corruptions - tax havens - religious shenanigans, racist and Islamophiles Salafists - Sprinklers watered

Philippe Couillard and Associates liberal political Corruptions - tax havens - religious shenanigans, racist and Islamophiles Salafists - Sprinklers watered
The Biter several hundred times
that life is very hard for Phil Salafi,the politician who must be always on guard to continue his bloody crusade against the hordes of Christians and Jews who attack him every day throughout the political and judicial arenas to thwart his new aspiration Saudi Mufti Quebecers in America, on the floor Justin Trudeau and Muslim brothers Brossard and Peterborough.

Jean Charest had yet ben made every state duties, his hands were clean and bright silver. He has not touched any envelope and its integrity is not touchable. It is conceivable that $ 428,000 of unknown origin contributions to the Liberal Party portfolio arisen ofthe unknown and a stranger have filed in the name of Philippe Couillard had a bank account in a tax haven or the Island of Jersey.
All Quebecers of all political stripes, believed that Philippe Couillard, a man who grew up in Lac Saint-Jean, Christian family, and pure and virgin mother was robbed of its identity by a malva for him giving a bad reputation across Canada and Quebec. The Diocese of Montreal even made up a fund to reimburse the costs that would have generated a complaint against Mr. Couillard's about it. There was also a ceremony and parade candlelight ask God to help Philippe Couillard in pursuit in his fight soil of Saudi Arabia.
Extradition Philippe Couillard in Saudi Arabia as a spy
when he went to work as a neurosurgeon in Saudi Arabia in 1992, Philippe Couillard cut its fiscal relationship with Canada and Quebec, closing his bank accounts in Canada. To receive her salary from her employer in Saudi Arabia, he opened an account at the branch of the Royal Bank in Jersey, a tax haven in Europe, in the Channel. Whereas Philippe Couillard did not know Europe,and not the Channel Island of Jersey, so it was a tax haven as such.

While residing and working abroad in the late 1990s, the salary of M. Couillard, like most of its present Canadian colleagues, was paid at a branch of the Canadian chartered bank Royal Bank of Canada in Jersey, "said the Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ) in a press release, following a report broadcast yesterday by CBC. So, Mr. Philippe Couillard happening nothing to say about either the place where money would find himself, his salary.
SaudiArabia does not tax the salaries of its tax residents, which was the fiscal situation of M. Couillard between 1992 and 1996. On his return to Quebec in 1996, Mr. Philippe Couillard has kept her bank account in Jersey Island in Europe.
But, in his great generosity, and honesty, he disclosed to Canadian and Quebec tax authorities the existence of this account. It was therefore taxed on the interest income and investments from this account as if money had been transferred to a bank account in Canada and not on wages received as a good Canadian citizen or Quebecers..

Political corruption built in system of governance in all countries of the world
the Charbonneau Commission reveals the structures of the economy that was formed in a chiaroscuro advantageous for some individuals and organizations. It was time for it to happen.
Pierre Elliott Trudeau and Jean Chrétien passeront in history as the first ministers worst in Canadian history. It has its negative: the diversion of large amounts of unemployment insurance, the night of the long knives, the repatriation of the Canadian Constitution without Quebec, the sponsorship affair, etc.
It is the nightmare of the Quebec identity and the gravedigger of the legitimate right.
Parties in the rest of Canada Funding
On 13 provinces and territories, only two provinces other than Quebec (Manitoba and Nova Scotia) have outlawed the business participation in election financing. In other provinces, the use of nominees is not necessary: companies can directly reach agreement with the parties to pay their generous donations.

Corrupt Quebec? It is now obvious. However, it is more corrupt than the other provinces? One could argue that it has especially stricter laws on financing of political parties, which now allows him to highlight corruption in Justice Charbonneau Commission
The first to demand a public inquiry was ADQ Sylvie Roy in April 2009.The Liberal Party was in his third term, and Jean Charest had absolutely no intention to sell. For two years, he has consistently refused to launch a public commission, preferring instead the creation of police squads. He started by Hammer in October 2009, then added the Anti-Collusion Unit(UAC)of the Ministry of Transport the following February and finally created the Unité permanente anticorruption(UPAC)a year later to head the other two and coordinate work of all investigations (non-public).
Lino Zambito
Lino Zambito, the most blundering and most comic mafia witness the Charbonneau Commission.
Jean Charest chose to hold the elections in summer so that they are completed before the panel hearings will resume in Fall 2012. While Charest lost his bet on his re-election, it became clear that he had no choice once completed the introductory discussion of the various factions and modus operandi of the Italian mafia.

The testimony of Lino Zambito splashed officials and engineers, former president of the executive committee of the city of Montreal and former Liberal ministers. The construction contractor had joined the sewers cartel, led by the Mafia. He explained how some officials facilitated collusion by sharing privileged information about upcoming contracts and approving false extras, all against cash and other gifts.
"Witness" Name of the book of Lino Zambito, absolutely read
WITNESS FEATURED COMMISSION CHARBONNEAU,the businessman and entrepreneur Lino Zambito paid a huge personal price, professional and financial support for his frankness. In this shock work, he goes to the bottom of things like never before.
Recounting his career in the construction industry, it provides an uncompromising portrait of a system of collusion and corruption in which the actors were not only greedy entrepreneurs but also rotten officials and politicians hungry for power, acting contrary to the laws on party financing.
Frankly, when he completed serving the sentence to which he was sentenced, Lino Zambito said all its truth. And it will not be pleasant for everyone.
ISBN: 9782761947183
Publication date: November 2016
Subject: Biographies of pages: 248 pages
During the fall, many officials testified. To listen, it became clear that the construction industry was brewing business in the same way in the public sector than in the private sector. Officials were seen as work providers to coax. The allegiance of municipal employees to their actual employer, the city of Montreal, was wobbling, as was often remarked Judge France Charbonneau.
Lino Zambito also revealed the existence of a false billing system needed to provide cash to engineering consulting firms. The testimony this spring confirmed that the political parties were the final destination of the money. In addition, construction contractors, to maintain good relations with the provincial government, were very attentive to the needs of ministers. Lino Zambito has stressed delicately the fortieth anniversary of the Deputy Prime Minister of the time, Nathalie Normandeau, sending in his office a bouquet of roses forty.But it is touching!

The province's the most corrupted according to Maclean's
Political contributions to provincial revenues are on the carpet a few times. The engineers explained that they were contacted by fundraisers of the two main parties, the Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ) and the Parti Québécois (PQ). The nominees of the provincial system so prevalent and required to carry out sectoral funding, and that could reach 13 million.
Gilles Cloutier pAssera in history as an important agent of the corruption of our political system.
Billions of dollars which are discharged annually from the public treasury. The common good is threatened by these white collar criminals. How can someone who is associated with a political party with ties to organized crime and who dare to challenge everyone on the theme of transparency while hiding a bank account in a tax haven, can it honestly trying to make us believe he can properly administer the "colonial province" of Quebec?
In English Canada we all hide corruption, we do not show it in public

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