dimanche 9 avril 2017

Daniel Johnson, former Premier of Quebec, will bare LIBERAL foot picks MILLIONS at the expense of the LEECH taxpayers Philippe Couillard, the scoundrels who lead us

Daniel Johnson, former Premier of Quebec, will bare LIBERAL foot picks MILLIONS at the expense of the LEECH taxpayers Philippe Couillard, the scoundrels who lead us
Noblesse oblige, Daniel Johnson freelancing our taxpayers pockets
Daniel Johnson, I must rob you, I was born Liberal

Journal revealed that two Bombardier's directors, Mr. Jean Monty and former premier Daniel Johnson, left the board with an income exceeding two million. These gentlemen, who never stop counting boards on which they sat and millions stacked, do not experience any discomfort with these excessive benefits that are partially sheltered from tax.
Indeed, the remuneration paid in the form of action is taxed at 50% because it is a capital gain and not a salary. In addition to hoarding, despite the setbacks of the company, this new class of nobles benefits legally in a subtle form of tax avoidance.

Transaction with CN and CP, One million dollars for Daniel Johnson
Former Premier Daniel Johnson will receive one million dollars as lead negotiator of the Charest government in litigation with Canadian National (CN) and Canadian Pacific ( CP).
The Quebec Bridge and Turcot and Dorval will be at the heart of the mandate of Daniel Johnson, which will extend over two years. He paid a fee of $ 400 per hour. The contract of a million dollars also includes travel expenses for this period. It is renewable for a period of 12 months at the request of the Minister.
Daniel Johnson with his shares in Bombardier
Meanwhile, Daniel Johnson is a member of the Board of Bombardier Inc. multinational Quebec since 1999. He also has nearly 150,000 deferred shares of the company, worth more than half a -million dollars, according to the latest annual report of the company.
While the government keeps Couillard Bombardier raids, his close collaborator Daniel Johnson continues to pocket the equivalent of US $ 165,000 a year as director of the multinational. A situation that is increasingly eyebrows, even among liberals.
Wednesday Quebec gave another big company to hand why Johnson is one of 14 directors (since 1999). The government canceled a lawsuit against Air Canada after the company had placed an order for 45  Bombardier CSeries.

Since 1999, Daniel Johnson is a director of Bombardier. It should also chair the board of directors of the subsidiary responsible for oversee C Series, in which the Couillard government has invested $ 1 billion.
The integrity at its worst points we Jean Charest, former Quebec Premier
Three associates of McCarthy were indeed present yesterday afternoon on the stage of the Verdun Auditorium with the new leader: the former Quebec premier Daniel Johnson and Jean Charest, and the former president of the Liberal and current party boss McCarthy, Marc-André Blanchard.
Marie Antoinette, Queen of France
Quote: "They have no bread? Let them eat cake! "And the citizens have guillotined, she lost her head on the scaffold, his noblesse oblige, she had everything, and the people starving in taxes, taxes, cold and luxury of Versailles, ministers, court, courtiers, the pack of corrupt, we see the Charbonneau Commission or seat in the National Assembly or government of advice of several major associated companies Liberals in.  
Former ministers or deputies become lobbyists, Raymond Bachand,having received very generous paydays separations for their friendly services in government to know served generous public funds for their own purposes.

This means, here as elsewhere, in all governments in all countries, democratic, religious, communists Koranic Salafi or not, the dignitaries, the upstarts of society, those who live in another dimension, flying over the clouds and we even pay their coffins to their deaths, are elected, so the system they have created specially for themselves and they can violate all laws in all impunity and without any awareness of them.
So proverbs say that knew Marie Antoinette describe the two stage designs where it appears: riots and country picnic. Then they are places and periods in its statement: Germany of the sixteenth century, Latvia recurrently, the eighteenth century and the French Revolution.
The anecdote is used to average levels and folk communication, but almost completely absent in scholarly level; it accepts three types of charges: stupidity or ignorance featuring women, cruelty outrageous when the protagonists are men.
Finally, the authors give contemporary examples of didactic and political use of this saying, become a convenient summary of the arrogance of the powerful and still widespread repeatedly Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau. Their superiority is so great that they even longer recognize their navels.

In 2017, our politicians would tell us: "Philippe Couillard they have no bread? Let them eat credit to eggs! ". Proverbs like this exist in many, see Lucien Bouchard confirmed and signed: the Quebec people not working hard enough, it's a nation of lazy.
Budget Leitao business leaders or Daniel Johnson and companies
Yes, for the same business leaders who, for the richest of them accumulate in a few days so that Quebecers earn in a year, the next budget Quebec reserve beautiful surprises. Quebec plans to increase to 50% deduction on the purchase options,giving at the same time a new tax gift to those already taking advantage of loopholes in our tax system, to reduce the amounts they owe the IRS when they do not directly pass their assets in tax havens. This new gift will deprive the treasury of 50 million.
The bright idea is to stop "disadvantage" the leaders here so they do not take refuge in mass in Ontario. Yes, the same argument that got the ball endless increases in physician compensation, with the tax rate from 18% to their incorporation instead of 50%, although today everyone recognizes its limits we used it to give gifts to those at the top of the social pyramid.

Journalists are the servants of power
Greed executives of Bombardier exasperates us, however, the submission of our prime ministers is even more desperate. Our tax system is worthy of the Middle Ages, and our present rulers behave like the Third Estate of the day which exempted nobles pay taxes.
For fear of some companies to relocate, Prime Minister Philippe Couillard refused to intervene on executive compensation and blissfully satisfied with the explanations of Bombardier omitting to say that several countries already legislating to oversee the executive compensation of listed companies.
The rich are becoming richer and the middle class is becoming poorer. This is social justice

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